Archive for September, 2015

Quiz 2015

September 21st, 2015

On 19/9/2015, a quiz was held in our school hall. The aim  is to test the members’ first aid knowledge.

The judges.

The judges.

Written test.

Written test.

Members were distributed in their respective group.

Members were distributed in their respective group.








Members were discussing the answer.

Members were discussing the answer.


The winners received prizes from the teacher.

The winners received prizes from the teacher.









Cadet Camp 30/9/2015-3/10/15

September 16th, 2015

今年有Cadet Camp 。这个camp为四天三夜。有兴趣者请写上姓名、班级、IC.NO及Group。若有任何疑问,请向各自的副组长询问。



地点:Pusat Kokurikulum,Bukit Mertajam



Quiz 19/9/2015

September 16th, 2015

19/8/2015 (星期六)有Quiz,请所有会员穿上 second -u , 参赛者则穿上 full-u .当天请记得带青卡,并写上日期,否则没得签。当天是从8.30早上开始至12.00下午,集合地点是 A1-A4 carpark.

Farewell 2015

September 10th, 2015

On  29 August SJAM N3 &NC1 has organised a farewell for our form 5 and Upper 6 members .

The teacher advisor was giving her speech.

Speech was given by the teacher advisor.

The organizing chairlady was giving souvenir to the teacher advisor.

The organizing chairlady was giving souvenir to the teacher advisor.

The members were performing.

Performance by f2 members.







Members were having fun.

Members were having fun!


All members were having buffet in the canteen.

All members were having buffet in the canteen.