Archive for the 'Activities / Events' Category

Hari Kokurikulum 23/3/24

August 30th, 2024

Form 1 students and their parents came to visit our booth and learn a lot about us, such as CPR and bandaging. Our members work together to make this event successful.

Our member is demonstrating CPR to form 1 students

Our member is teaching form 1 students bandaging

Form 1 student try to bandage her parent

Farewell 22/10/2022

November 9th, 2022

MCs of the farewell

The organising chairlady is giving out some speech.

F3 and F4 members are performing their items.

F2 and F4 members bring out their singing performance

F5 members are admiring photographs that are full of memories

Our members are working together to create outfits during our game session.

Prize Giving Ceremony




Group Training 28/2/20

March 1st, 2020

Our form1 members are training marching

Form4 member are teaching technique of marching to form1 members

Form2 and form4 member are teaching form1 member marching

Form1 member are trying to handle check-in-detail

Form2 members are giving question to form1 members

Form1 is undergoing check-in-detail under observation of form2 members

Group Training 26/2/20

February 26th, 2020

Form4 members are training form2 members

Form2 members are marching

A form4 member is asking question to form2 members

Our form4 member are giving situation to form2 members

Our form2 members are undergoing practical

Form2 members are practicing practical

Group Training 25/2/20

February 25th, 2020

Our form1 members are asking some question to form2 members

Form2 member are observing form1 member

Form1 member as casualty when training

Form2 members are explaining the procedure to form1 members

Form2 members are giving some test for form1 members

Form2 members are teaching form1 members

Orientation 2020

February 23rd, 2020

We had organized our orientation on 22 Feb 2020.

Our teacher advisor is receiving souvenir form our organising chairlady.

Our form2 is giving out their performance.

Our form3 members are performing their dance.

Prize that giving out that day.

All of our members are doing games.

Our oc are performing their dance.

The winners are receiving prize from our organising chairlady.

Our mc.

All members are involving in London bridge.

Group Training 19/2/2020

February 21st, 2020

Form1 member is trying to handle the procedure of check-in-details.

Our form2 are giving some opinion to form1

Our form1 member try to undergo the process of check-in-details

Form2 members are teaching form1

Group Training 13/2/20

February 14th, 2020

Our form1 members are practicing check in details

Our form1 are practicing their marching

Form2 members are teaching form1 members to doing process of check in details

Form1 member are trying check in details

Form2 are demonstrating the correct way to form1 members

Group Training 11/2/20

February 12th, 2020

Our form2 members are teaching form1 members for check in details.

Form1 members are asking question to form2 members

Form1 members are praticing check in details

Group Training 6/2/20

February 7th, 2020

Our form1 members are training their marching

Our form4 members are teaching form1 members some marching skill

Our form1 members are practicing check in details

Our form2 members are guiding form1 to undergo practical

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